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mechanical sensor中文是什么意思

用"mechanical sensor"造句"mechanical sensor"怎么读"mechanical sensor" in a sentence


  • 坏脱出
  • 力敏元件


  • Research on mechanical sensor for measuring explosive damage in the near field
  • In this paper , the mechanical behaviors of the polythiophene ( pth ) and ploypyrrole ( ppy ) films are experimentally investigated using an electronic speckle pattern interferometry ( espi ) method and an equipment with a sensitive mechanical sensor
  • Electronic pressure sensor consists of electronic elements high stabilization it can decrease maintenance cost than traditional mechanical sensors . user can preset a pressure value with setting button and indicate current system pressure on led display
  • This machine adopts closed loop control mode and under the control of single - chip microcomputer , it can receive input of keyboard and mechanical sensor and drive electromotor working so as to realize function of traction ; according to the inputted parameters the machine can use persistency or intermission working mode to cure patients and display working status ; it has the functions of quick reposition , safe protection for double traction device and convenient adjustment ; it can be used to treat neck and lumbar diseases
用"mechanical sensor"造句  
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